Jul 27, 2022
What are the commonly seen factors affecting a patient's health?
From our practice we identified the following most prominent factors affecting a patient's health: medication from your family doctor or...
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Jul 12, 2022
How Does A Treatment with Chinese Medicine Work?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the diseases are categorized based on their symptoms, and each symptom is linked to one or more internal...
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Jul 9, 2019
FAQ for Acupuncture Treatment
Question 1: What conditions can acupuncture be used to treat? Answer: Acupuncture is an independent branch of medicine that can be used...
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Jun 12, 2017
Acupuncture Treatment for Knee Pain
Knee pain is a fairly commonly seen problem. Some patients are even advised by specialists to have a knee replacement to stop the pain....
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Apr 25, 2016
Treating Muscle Weakness For Seniors
A common health issue that seniors face is deterioration of their muscle strength. Because of that they find it increasingly difficult to...
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Feb 19, 2016
Chronotherapy in Chinese Medicine
Although it is a relatively new concept in Western medicine to tie the treatment plan with the life rhythm of a patient, such techniques...
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Jan 21, 2016
Genuine V. Hybrid Chinese Medicine
In the past decade, Chinese medicine has gained substantial popularity and acceptance in Canada, as a form of alternative medicine....
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Oct 13, 2015
Moxibustion -- the other branch of acupuncture
Usually people think of acupuncture treatment as a form of treatment with needles. But in fact there is another procedure that...
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Sep 19, 2015
What is acupuncture and how does it work?
The art and science of acupuncture is to use a needle(s) to manipulate the flow of energy in the body to achieve the objective of...
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Sep 1, 2015
Pure vs. Hybrid Chinese Medicine
The practice of Chinese Medicine has a history of over 5, 000 years. Unfortunately, due to the destruction of traditional culture in...
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